Pasulj recipe

Pasulj recipe

Do you remember when someone ever said that to you. "As simple as beans." 

They say the more beans are made at once, the better. Try some recipe yourself. 

Ingredients for preparation according to the recipe: 

30 dkg of white beans (tatevec) 

30 dkg of dry sausage 

15 dkg of onion 

3 cloves of garlic 

3 tablespoons of olive oil 

1 teaspoon of flour 

1/4 teaspoon sweet paprika 

2 tablespoons of tomato puree 

Bay leaves parsley salt 


Preparation according to the recipe: 

Cook soaked white beans together with sausage and chopped onion. The onion should dissolve during cooking. When the beans are cooked, we do the roasting. Heat the oil, add crushed garlic, flour, paprika, tomato puree, chopped parsley and pour water. When it boils, add it to the beans and let everything boil for another 15 minutes. Add salt if necessary. Cut the meat into slices and add one slice to each portion. Beans should be thick.

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Pasulj recipe Pasulj recipe Reviewed by analitik on 5/31/2024 Rating: 5
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